Saturday, January 26, 2008

The Countdown

Each hour brings me closer to that dreaded day. I was so looking forward to having knee replacement surgery, but now I am about to change my mind. Well, that is really not true, but I wish that I could change my mind, however Arthritis has ravaged my knee and the pain is HORRIBLE. It is not as if I haven't been through this before, but as January 30, 2008 approaches, August 28, 1998 infiltrates my brain. That was the date that I had a total right hip replacement from hell!

I remember waking up and immediately grabbing the phone to call a friend to declare that I was alive! I called my job and my manager asked what time my surgery would take place. I told her that it was over, I was alive and that I felt good enough to walk across the street to work. I was so hyperactive and alert that I scared even myself. After my phone calls, my mother had bad bone cavity is too small for part that was supposed to be implanted into my bone. It was kinda stuck as far into the bone cavity as far as they could get it and my bone would have to grow over the part before I could walk. Frankly, I didn't care because I wasn't interested in walking up and down a long hallway with staples in my hip and my butt peeking beneath that awful gown. I was happy to just sit and watch television, hoping that I could apply some makeup.

The day after surgery, nurses would come in, ask me how I felt and stared me in the face as if I had a face lift gone wrong. I really couldn't figure out what the reason was for the stares for a while. Actually, they were waiting on me to exhibit some effect of being low on blood. Luckily, I donated 3 pints of my own blood in case I needed a transfusion and I needed every drop. Even though I donated my own blood, it was yucky to see it re-enter my veins. I will say that I am happy that I did donate because it would have been even yuckier to know that the blood previously belonged to Margie, 34 year old mother of Seth and John, and wife of Bob from Idaho. Honestly, I applaude anyone kind and selfless enough to donate blood, organs or time to help others in need. I personally want to thank you.

Fast forward to today's activities....I had to go to the hospital to pre-register for the procedure. Do you know those unfashionable plastic armbands adorned by hospital patients? Well, I am wearing one now that I cannot take off. I did not have the opportunity to donate my own blood this time, so my blood type is being determined. The band will let hospital staff know that the process has been completed. If I take it off, they will have to take draw blood again. I tried to tell Miss Nursey Nurse that my blood type is B Positive, but I guess that the bloody typing experiment that was done in 10th grade biology class isn't good enough for them.

It's been fun, but I've gotta run. Until next time....

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